Tuesday, May 25, 2010

National Intelligence Direct to resign
Repeated failures to foil terror plots cited as why Dennis Blair will step aside

WASHINGTON, DC—The Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair, will officially resign his post on Friday, May 28th in the wake of three high profile intelligence failures. The resignation is being characterized by republicans as political scapegoating.

Senator Kit Bond (R-MO), the ranking Republican member on the Senate Intelligence Committee said, "Blair deserves this nation's thanks for his long service to our country. It must have been challenging to be forced on the sidelines by the attorney general but still catch all the blame for failings." 

And the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), said Blair's resignation "is the result of the Obama administration's rampant politicization of national security and outright disregard for congressional intelligence oversight."

Mr. Blair’s oversight and jurisdiction (in the thinking of the Obama administration) is second to that of Attorney General Eric Holder, whom has a number of missteps on his AG resume. Regardless of who replaces Blair, without sufficient latitude to perform the duties of the post, the definition of insanity will control the next director.

-- Killswitch Politick

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